How to Pick Chew Toys for Your Furry Friend

If you’re like us, you are always on the lookout for interactive toys to keep your pets happy, healthy, and entertained. Pets that have plenty of stimulation are going to feel their very best, and you are going to see it in the level of energy that they have, as well as their ability to listen and follow commands. If your pet is at home for long stretches of the day by themselves, it is especially important that they have plenty of toys to keep them company and help to get out that extra energy.

For dogs that love to gnaw, it’s a great idea to shop around for chew toys that are going to last. Finding the perfect toy starts with making sure that it’s the right size for their mouth! Consider whether it’s for a small, medium, or large dog first to ensure that they aren’t going to hurt their jaw on a toy that’s too big or accidentally swallow a toy that’s too small. Next, make sure that you know how forcefully your dog is going to be chewing! Dogs that love to chew gently can use softer toys, but strong jaws and a big determination need toys that are designed for hard chewers. Put quality first when you shop for your dog!